Estimate the cost to replace your belongings

Type in your address so we can display any data we have for your home

unit_house apartment paintwork fitout building_name lot_number_pre lot_number lot_number_suf flat_type flat_number_pre flat_number flat_number_suf level_number_pre level_number level_number_suf number_first_pre number_first number_first_suf number_last_pre number_last number_last_suf location_description street_class_code street_name street_type_code street_suffix_code locality_name state_name state_abbreviation pcode address_type address_site_name property_type rem_address full_address house_number property_info_id country_code nz_mesh_code DPID
Home Contents Calculator

This calculator estimates how much it would cost to replace your belongings.

Based on general information about your home, the calculator will estimate the value of your belongings, which you can then refine if you would like a more accurate result. This estimate gives you an idea of what to put down as the "sum insured" on your contents insurance policy.

Just enter your home address to get started.

Click here to find out how the calculator works